Client Testimonial from Houston Texas
From: Manuel T. from HOUSTON TX
Subject: Fairly Pleased!
Message Body:
I am quite impressed with the card. Very satisfied with the weight and design. There is just a couple of issues that I’ve experienced. Please accept this testimonial as constructive.
Unfortunately, it took one swipe of the card for it to be damaged. With every use the card receives new (glossy black) scratches from the merchant’s credit card reader. Although, the black matte finish has not actually scraped off: it would be great if it had some type of scratch resistant coating added to maintain the card’s original appearance.
Lastly, it would be great if, when ordering the it were possible to upload the artwork vs. waiting the 24 hour period for a designer’s correspondence and then another 24 hours for artwork proof.
Ultimately, YES I am quiet pleased with the card. And it looks like I’ll be ordering another card now that the chip is available. Best of luck in the future!