The 8 Best Credit Card Options That Make An Impression; In Our Opinion

The 8 Best Credit Cards That Make An Impression (Note: This article is solely the opinion of and shall be considered as such. is NOT affiliated with any of the credit card issuers mentioned in this article. Nor are we compensated in anyway by any of these companies. This article is a biased attempt to inform our readers of the coolest credit card options available, including ourselves. Insert […]

Client Testimonial 01/15/2015

Skepticism is and was expected when we first launched In the beginning, there was not a day we did not get an inquiry asking us “Are you guys for real?”… Our answer is blatant. YES! We are 100% real and our goal is to provide the best customer service experience possible to each client we serve. Our process is new and unheard of, but much like when non-bank issued […]

Customer Service Encounter #145

Bonjour tout le monde!! I know I’m a month late on wishing everyone a Happy New Year, but better late than never. Right? I recently visited a local food establishment close to my home in Orange County California and I was taken back by the customer service. This wasn’t Hooter’s or an expensive restaurant. It was a small mom & pop pizzeria. I’ve been craving some genuine home-made style pizza […]

Do What You Love and You’ll Never Work a Day In Your Life

From day one my overall focus for creating was to provide a service. A service like no other. A service where a person can create their own exclusivity and feel good about themselves. On occasions when people ask me if I did it for the money I say to them “Yeah, no one starts a business to work for free, but I get more satisfaction from knowing I’ve helped […]

In my own words… why?

Greetings World!    Let me start off by making a promise: I promise to blog about the truth… according to me.  I created as a direct and spiteful blow to the walls of inequality the banks and credit card companies have created by dangling luxury VIP status credit cards in the faces of the general public. Companies that offer VIP credit cards made of stainless steel, palladium or titanium that […]

Testimonial 05/27/2014

Date 05/27/2014 Name: Salvador G. From Pasadena Subject: The V.I.P. Feel Message: I gotta admit, I was definitely expecting this card to stand out whenever I used it after I received it in person. However,I truly am amazed each and every time I use it,because every single time I get a whole new reaction. I’ve gotten people who’s jaws drop thinking I’m rich,to having to explain to a restaurant owner […]