The 8 Best Credit Cards That Make An Impression

(Note: This article is solely the opinion of and shall be considered as such. is NOT affiliated with any of the credit card issuers mentioned in this article. Nor are we compensated in anyway by any of these companies. This article is a biased attempt to inform our readers of the coolest credit card options available, including ourselves. Insert Horn: Toot! Toot!)
Hollywood celebrities and recent television ads have shown us that not all credit cards are the same. Some are mere credit starter, but others grant high credit yielding capabilities, instant recognition and near celebrity level customer service that only a few of us normal folk can acquire. But it doesn’t stop there; now days there is more focus on what it looks and feels like. Plastic is dead, the luxury look & feel are the new metrics to judge whether your credit card is cool or not.
In its beginning stages the charge card, now credit card, was made of paper stock. Circa 1921, paper charge cards were issued by Western Union to their most frequent customers. One could only imagine the prestige it meant at the time to wield one and have instant recognition over non-frequent customers. Paper stock must have been fairly boring in the look and feel category, but for those that used them it was a sign of status. Fast forward a few decades where Diners Club, circa 1951, introduces the first plastic credit card; much more sturdy and durable in comparison to paper stock. New plastic card users during that transition period must have experienced a definite change in how merchants would treat them. In our experience, with custom cards, different & new = important & better customer service. (See Testimonials)
Up until the last decade or so plastic cards from debit cards to gift cards have been the norm. Each manufactures creates their own unique designs and brand logos. Some logos carry more social status than other, but plastic nonetheless. Recent trend point toward a new movement in the look & feel department, Metal Credit Cards. Thoughts of these new heavier, more durable, presumably more expensive and exclusive versions of the plastic cards are creeping into the dreams of young entrepreneurs and CEO’s. Wielding a metal credit card is the new premiere status symbol, but few are bestowed such a privilege. Here are, in our opinion, the top 8 Luxury Credit Card Options That Make An Impression.
- American Express Centurion; the Original Black Card
This card at one point was by far the most sought after credit card in the world. In the early 1990’s there was a rumor that AMEX created a super-luxurious no limit credit card that was only attained by invitation. Known informally as the Black Card, it is an invitation-only charge card issued by American Express to platinum card holders after they meet certain metrics. There are two different versions of the Centurion Card, personal and business. According to speculation the card is made of titanium, a next to near indestructible material and very light weight. Check out the link to review the publicly shared information about this card. Spoiler Alert: Prepare for a bite of sticker shock. You’ve been warned.
- Amex every day (Plastic, But Still Very Cool)
This card isn’t made of metal but still rank in our top 8. The card is clear plastic borderline completely transparent. Maybe there is some symbolism there implying the terms are “transparent” and there are no hidden fees, who knows. There are No Annual Fees for this card and No annual fees for additional cards. This makes it great for a couple or family looking to rack up points without getting charged for additional cards. The terms aren’t bad either, but we’ll let you check out the link yourself.
Now here is a very cool card. This card is made of metal that incorporates the precious metal palladium. At first glance the brushed metal finish is very impressive and according to our research weighs about 1 once. With a $600 annual fee this card is worth a look if you meet their requirements for approval. Visit the Concierge Banking tab to find more information on this card.
Another plastic card but is well known for its interesting design layout. All the card members’ information is laid out vertically which is odd at first but just different; different is cool. Actually it’s best known for its no balance transfer fees and 0% APR introductory promotional financing offer. This card is great for those of you that want a no nonsense credit card without the rewards and want to transfer existing credit card debt.
This card looks and feels like metal but it’s a trick. The exterior is actually plastic and the inner core is made of metal, so it is heavy. This makes the card cheaper to manufacture, yet still gives the weight of an all-metal card. With an annual fee of $99 it’s an option worth looking at if you’re in the market for a credit card that’s both affordable and attractive.
This metal card debuted in 2008. It is made of stainless steel with a carbon fiber back and is often confused with the original black card the AMEX Centurion. Members are rumored to spend more than $50,000 annually. With a $495 annual fee this card is considered by my review sites to be one of the top 5 elite credit cards in the world.
The new flag ship card for Discover is made of plastic and is available in four different colors of brushed metallic finish. Visually this card is beautiful but lacks the weight of the other cards. Fortunately it does include some attractive financial benefits that are a great trade off. No annual fee, no late fee for your first late payment, no over limit fee, etc. This card is for the absentminded credit card user that needs a break, or two.
- (Upgrade Your Favorite Card To Metal)
Enter the new kid on the block. This option is not an actual card you apply for or go through hoops to acquire one. This option utilizes any existing plastic debit or credit card and transfers it to a full metal card. Both physical cards are still 100% fully functional, but just like glasses you own a pair for reading and a pair of sun glasses for looking cool. This option allows card holders the chance to experience the look and feel of a metal card without having to apply for one. No applications to fill out and No additional fees to pay to experience elite status. Consider this option as the Elite Card Test Drive. Which is the primarily the reason some credit card users apply for them in the first place, to stand out amongst the sea of plastic generic cards and experience the “WOW” factor when using one.
– Closing Opinion
We have to reiterate this article was written to introduce our readers to other cool credit card options. Ultimately some readers may think its biased in someway and we can agree to that, but we merely wanted to focus on the visual aspects of these cards and point out the ones that we feel would be impressive to own. We encourage would-be elite card applicants to do their own due diligence. Ensuring that any other cards we mentioned in this article would be a proper fit to their life style and bank accounts. The devil is in the details so please take the time to read their terms thoroughly and apply for the card you’re most likely to qualify for, based on your credit history & score.